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Our Campaigns

Over the years the Coalition has grown, and in 2018 we joined the international Climate Emergency campaign. With help from our members we were able to pressure Sacramento City, County, and SMUD to declare a Climate Emergency, recognizing the urgency of our situation and creating a 2030 carbon zero deadline to avoid the worst effects of the coming catastrophe. Our current campaigns aim to hold them accountable to this crucial timeline, in addition to fostering collaboration between the major energy users, and educating the public about the current crisis.


2030 not 2045

The Sacramento Climate Coalition (SCC) launched its Climate Emergency Declaration campaign in 2018, joining hundreds of communities around the world pushing for governments at all levels to do all they can to reach carbon zero by 2030. As the cities listened and deliberated, protests and climate strikes continued, organized by SCC in cooperation with Fridays For Future youth, and other partners.  The City Council concluded that the 2030 goal would only be attainable with help from regional partners. That's why we pressured all their regional partners to get on board with 2030, and it's why we'll continue to push the City until they stop using loopholes to avoid accountability.




This campaign supports the creation of a new multi-jurisdictional effort to coordinate the climate emergency implementation efforts of SMUD, the City, and the County of Sacramento. Without working together, these entities will waste money, waste time, and risk missing their targets. Joint operation, on the other hand, leverages resources to increase momentum. Please help send a message to your elected officials at SMUD, the City and the County - work together to reduce our carbon footprint!


Public Education

Sacramento Climate Coalition's long term goal for public education is to reach the point where a large portion of the general public understands the basic facts and gravity of the climate crisis and supports the critical goal date of 2030.  This work is to begin with leadership from the Sacramento Climate Coalition (SCC) Climate Emergency Mobilization Team,  and other SCC partners and envisioned to reach through community networks in churches, neighborhoods, civic, and labor organizations. We need to expand the use of social media, provide education information on our website and host special events. If you are able to help = We Need You! Let us know through the contact form on the webpage. 

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